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gendai talk
Хироя Сакурай. Снимай, монтируй и смотри
Виктор Белозёров
Интервью с Хироя Сакураем. 1980-е японского видеоарта, сотрудничество с Кацухиро Ямагути и «Поток» настоящего
gendai talk
Michael Goldberg. The Father of Japanese Video Art Who Became Its Grandfather
Виктор Белозёров
The first part of the interview with Michael Goldberg. Video art in Japan and Canada. The Origins of Japanese Video Art: Persons and Events
gendai talk
Michael Goldberg. Father of Japanese Video Art Who Became Its Grandfather. Part 2
Виктор Белозёров
The second part of the interview with Michael Goldberg. Video Cocktail, SCAN Gallery, work and relationships with Japanese video artists