Alexis karpouzos is an Greek-born philosopher and author, founder of the international community of learning, research and culture in Greece.
Αλέξης καρπούζος είναι φιλόσοφος και συγγραφέας.
ALEXIS KARPOUZOS - COURSAlexis Karpouzos est philosophe et auteur, fondateur de la communauté internationale d'apprentissage, de recherche et de culture en Grèce
ΑΛΕΞΗΣ ΚΑΡΠΟΥΖΟΣ - ΟΜΙΛΙΕΣΟ Αλέξης Καρπούζος είναι Συγγραφέας και Πνευματικός Δάσκαλος, ιδρυτής και συντονιστής της Διεθνούς κοινότητας μάθησης, έρευνας και πολιτισμού στην Ελλάδα.
ALEXIS KARPOUZOS - PHILOSOPHYAlexis Karpouzos is an Greek-born Philosopher, Spiritual Teacher and Author, Founder of the International Community of Learning, Research and Culture in Greece. Our goal is to create a spiritual experience in consciousness worldwide, where people recognize that we are all part of an interconnected whole. The community has contacts and partnerships in 15 countries. More than 12.000 people have participated in the lessons and community's actions.
ΑΛΕΞΗΣ ΚΑΡΠΟΥΖΟΣ - ΦΙΛΟΣΟΦΙΑΑλέξης καρπούζος είναι φιλόσοφος, πνευματικός δάσκαλος και συγγραφέας, ιδρυτής της Διεθνούς κοινότητας έρευνας, μάθησης και κουλτούρας στην Ελλάδα και συντονιστής του International Forum of Wisdom.
POEMS - ALEXIS KARPOUZOSThe global language of poetry of Alexis Karpouzos, by following the paths of wisdom, is a vehicle for transmitting human knowledge and values, history, ancient traditions, and links with nature. It transmits the human values and worldly knowledge that are essential for opening ourselves to the Other. Poetic creation, therefore, forges very strong links between humans -it transcends beyond languages, beliefs and cultures. The philosophy of Alexis Karpouzos speak to the human experience from a universal perspective, trancending all religions, cultural and national boundaries. Using vivid images and a direct language that speaks to the heart. His philosophy evokes a sense of deep communication with the collective unconscious, a sense of connection to all the creatures of the world, compassion for others, admiration for the beauty of nature, reverence for all life, and an abiding faith in the invisible touch of world.
Alexis Karpouzos thoughts are often terse and paradoxical, challenging us to to break out of the box of limiting beliefs and see things from a new perspective. Above all, Alexis Karpouzos continually calls to us to wake up and exlpore the mysteries within our own selves, i.e the mysteries of universe.
ALEXIS KARPOUZOS - PHILOSOPHY AND POETRYAlexis karpouzos (Greek: Αλέξης καρπούζος) is an Greek-born Philosopher, Spiritual Teacher and Author, Founder of the International Community of Learning, Research and Culture in Greece. Our goal is to create a spiritual experience in consciousness worldwide, where people recognize that we are all part of an interconnected whole.