
111 — Nikolay Nikolayevich P. and his encounters

Elsie Lappoh02/11/24 14:47199

thank you,

thank you for bringing me the rain

thank you, your Majesty

As my friend experienced something strange—there was a 

cotton-kitten parading, sticking her ultra-emerald gaze onto my presence

and leading me palaces.

Making a proposal, a step then to develop this vacant lot right there

as long as the bodies round be shrinking why not

this be also sucking dry


hissing doubts

who is missing, your Majesty

who is missing?

As a friend of mine experienced something strange he told me he saw them

crying in his inner house 

2 to 2 to 2

With their centuries bold and eyelids heavy
a bevy of tears boiled would gush

scalding the walls and the floor—

those fibres of one’s soul

until he could not bear this witness any


deluged to the brim

watching those stripes red

Acer rumbrum’s haircut spit up

into a casual stock being 
Finally I cannot bear their cries they see how sad I am

thank you, my dear Bhumibol

thank you he said and slept for 4 hours.

and woke up then into an

absence stepped into abode


“I clayed myself. I taped myself. It seems to me that 4 mothers were giving birth to me on the moon. They enveloped me in their secret, smeared my whole being with their quadratic slime. I came to this world of one-mothered. And I have one of them, which I love. But the other three I have to find.” 

—Nikolay Nikolayevich P.

“I have a very hard situation at the moment. Look at this, ” Nikolay is exposing his relatively hairless chess where two prolonged pieces of paper are glued to the skin forming an X, not a Z. “Just look at this. I don’t know. I am afraid I will fall apart. For God’s sake.” 

I love you, Nikolay. When you are in pain, I am in pain. I love you Nikolay
I love your four mothers and you in them, Nikolay.
I love you Nikolay.

say hi to Nikolay, support Nikolay:



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