
The New Communist Manifesto

Новые Коммунисты04/03/19 14:383.1K🔥

The greatest impediment, which stands before the communist revolution and establishment of the people’s power, is an incorrect thesis that socialism is the first stage of communism, but the same time it’s obviously that the bourgeoisie turned it into the last stage of capitalism, as their last stronghold.

Despite all extensive preaching about some unity of Socialists and Communists, the conflict between them grows and is ready to outgrow to virtually revolutionary extremes at any moment. No matter how strange it is but in nowadays hustle of leftist views (as a rule they distort the obvious and Marx himself) the confrontation is almost invisible. However, the reason that it is unnoticeable is that there are less people understand either who socialist really are or who communists are. Certainly, this misunderstanding comes from incomprehension what is socialism and what is communism. Hereof the lack of understanding of truly nature of socialist and communist parties (frankly ridiculous mixing them). This causes the stopping of the entire revolutionary process, standstill and degradation of leftist movements, which are completely lost, but still operating by inertia they continue puffing themselves up and ranting generously using Marx and Lenin’s quotations which they don’t understand and which needed to be updated in accordance with new realities.

There are many reasons of such misunderstanding. One of them is stopping of the development of science about communism. However, who has stopped it? In particular we are to blame those who called themselves communists without any real basis. The party, which accomplishing specifically Socialistic revolution, but called the party — communist. Certainly, during the urgent 7th Congress, taken place on 6-8 of March 1918, the members of RSDLP had reasons to name their social-democratic party to be communist. Nevertheless, this rename was exclusively propagandistic step. That had not been related to that socialistic act, which this party had accomplished. It is necessary to give honor to those ideologues who managed to resist the temptation to call genuinely great October Socialistic revolution to be communistic. Since it would be the greatest theoretical lie. Meanwhile there is no reason to blame the leaders of the Social Democratic RSDLP (b) for the theoretically mistaken usurping the title of Communists and rename of their party to communistic VKP (b). There was a fierce struggle for the minds and hopes of the people, the struggle with many knaves who played with people by their promising names and programs. All propagandistic means were good and useful in this crazy struggle of parties and movements, even if they were contradicted the true state of things. Theoretical principled approach during the highest point of the revolution equals a failure.

But this successful tactical step hasn’t changed the nature of socialistic revolution, the rename of leading socialistic party into communistic (means pseudo communistic) did the disgusting favor to all mankind, that caused one of the main reasons of rampant perversion of true communist theory and suppression of any attempt of development in future. That became a reason of perversion of Marx-Leninism and destruction of emerging true Communist movement, and became the reason of repression of true Communists.

Due to the unjustified appropriation of communist title by the Socialists, the 20th century became the worldwide orgy of pseudo communistic Socialists and Social democrats, who named themselves communists massively, who promised the communistic paradise on Earth without real production basis, who used the assurances to seize control power. They went above and beyond to get to work formation not yet ready for the real work and then they stalled on their way of economic development and arrogantly started lying to society, steal and kill people supposedly in the name of communism. All these actions brought misunderstanding in the society what communism is, more than that even the word “communism” met with abhorrence and disgust, when the real hate should be aimed to Socialists and their social and social-democratic parties.

Is it possible to justify ideological Socialists and their associations seeking to jump above a head, above objective condition of production relations? We may and we should justify them just because they did colossal revolutionary and essential work. They should be justified and thanked for the job done. But dialectically and seeing the real events, their actions might be justified only till the time they started forgetting their contemporary socialistic mission of guiders to communism. Till the time when from the revolutionists they became fierce animals growling the society demanding the following development , till the time they became protectors of ” their brainchild and of their property” — socialistic system , its assets , its method of production and profitable way of distribution for them only. We can excuse them only till the time they started to suppress emerging communistic relations, arising communist equality and incipient society, which demanded equality of wage workers — proletarians, who multiplied socialistic capital, and informal private owners of this capital. Certainly, such equality had not satisfied and will never satisfy private owners of state capital — socialist parties and their members, leaders and theorists, subordinated state bureaucracy. From the moment when Socialists started to depress violently the arising communist relations, they have no excuses. Since that moment the Marxists should stop justify and support any kind of Socialists , but to rise against them, to announce the theoretical , ideological and politic war, which, no doubt, will grow to the real war, revolutionary war. To be on the side of rotting Socialists means changing line from left-wing to right-wing at least and as maximum it means that you do not care the interests of developing society joining the side of state oligarchy, who are trying to keep the social manners and then to destroy that society. These are the grounds of escalating conflict between Socialists and Communists.

The brilliant reply to the question what is socialism is given in the brief but accurate definition of V. Lenin : “ Socialism is a state capitalistic monopoly, converted to the benefit of all people and ceased to be capitalistic monopoly.” It is clearly seen, that mentioning capitalistic monopoly terminating its existence, Lenin meant monopoly in terms and conditions of liberal capitalism (with the minimal merging level to a state). And that is a major point in definition of socialism, which helps to understand that socialism is a state capitalistic monopoly terminating the existence of liberal capitalistic monopoly, but isn’t terminating capitalism itself, but giving it the new shape. It is obvious that socialism is the same capitalism, which changed the liberal extortionate chaos to sociality, which became ‘kinder’ in relation to wage-workers.

The history of the 20th century shows that if the first stages of socialistic revolutions and rebels, the establishment of socialism was full of ideological content, but later on socialism itself became just a method of production increment and gaining profits both direct and consequential profits by informal owners of capital — leading parties and state bureaucracy.

The great October revolution became the first act in the history of humankind of turning private capital (they become truly bloody to the beginning of the 20th century) into state capital. Like in all previous revolutions, it was just a transformation of private ownership from nonproductive hands into hands, which were more productive and more useful for society. The essence of the revolution was the change of liberal capital of private owners born after the overthrow of the Tsar into state capitalism, social, socialistic, where the party bureaucracy became a privet owner.

That is such an owner, such capitalist who understood the essence of socialization of private capital for incensement of the economy productiveness and further development of the society. It should be mentioned, that in the case of the great October revolution, there was not only a question about development, but also the matter of saving the Russian society was in priority. Movement of capitalism to state monopoly is an inevitable process. The great October revolution made this process faster, overtaking the real production conditions, stopping the rise of western liberal capitalism, which was cheeky and had no useful social morality on that period. That process provided safety of the state, prevented not limited and irrevocable looting, just as it happened in African colonies.

After the series of crashing crises of the Great Depression period in the different parts of the western world which were the result of rotting liberal capitalism (Marx predicted that) , the widespread and active formation of social state capital monopolies started to grow. Through the Socialist (in greater sense — Marxist) Keynes, who “broke “ ‘invisible hand of the market’ by his scientific works and after consent of the private owners of “free market” capital who were scared by the capital loss, the state power was established on all the territory which was kept by western free capital before. The state power that regulated the work of capital.

Its establishment and further rapid strengthening up to full control of private capital by the state authorities (parties and governments) is no more than a creation of state capitalistic monopoly, facing for the benefit of the people in western states. Keynes’s revolution had ended by the total crash of liberal capitalism and like Stalin once said “Socialism in individual countries.” It is obvious that this revolution was a direct result of great October Socialistic revolution and was held under pressure of its achievements no matter the features and differences in mottos, but had the same character. It had subordinated to the state all the free market capitalistic monopolies, which became destructive in their irrepressible wish to gain profits, and established social state capitalism in western countries, govern not by invisible market hand, but by pseudo democratic and pseudo elected party authorities, a group of oligarchs and subordinated bureaucracy. Analyzing this situation from the view of property rights, it expropriated private capital in state favor and started capital distribution in a favor of the citizens of these countries providing them with many social benefits unprecedented in the conditions of liberal capitalism.

That is another proof that Keynes’s revolution in the western counties was socialistic, just like the Great October revolution. It is very important to mention that despite all differences in mottos and methods of accomplishing these revolutions, the result of both of them was largely identical:

1. Financial position of all the levels of hired workers got improved

2. The working day was reduce down to 8 hours

3. The system of public self-management has been developed and got stronger , the meaning of collective local unities (unions, communes, lands, cantons, trade unions, collective farms) in the management of capital and further distribution of the production results has been increased

4. Labor became mechanized and automatic. Industrialization. Scientific-technical revolution

5. State control of employment and reducing the level of unemployment by the forces of the state

6. Justice started to use the system of equal treatment in the court, no matter the financial position

7. Facilitating access (both real and declared) of the citizens to the ownership and management of the capital, including with the help of elections and other democratic procedures

8. State authorities controlled economy , including limit profit margins and limit the formation of private monopolies (that meant the pass of monopoly to the state ownership)

9. Education become more available

10. Limited influence of religion to the production relationships

11. The increased development of militarism and the arms race

All these points are the major characteristics of socialism as the successor of capitalism.

12. Conversion of capitalistic imperialism into socialistic imperialism (transformation of the colonies into states with pseudo democratic control system)

13. Repressing of nationalism and racism inside of developed countries as the source of loss of capital productivity.

It’s obvious, that neither great October or Keynes’s revolutions had saved the society from private property to the production means, but they had perfectly hidden the real owners. The great October revolution named society and state to be the proprietor, but in fact, it was VCP (b) CPSU. Keynes’s revolution named the private owner to be proprietor, but in fact, it was the parties arranged by big business, which joined with the state as a single unit. New private owners differed from their predecessors just because they took an obligation (involuntarily, but later on that became their only purpose) to divide major part of capital profits to the favor of state.

It had transformed capitalism from unlimited way of stealing into social way of stealing. In this system, the profit gained by the real owners was colossal, because it showed highest productivity and offered stability of receiving profit and growing of capital. On this stage, the difference between the great October revolution and Keynes’s revolution became more obvious. The great October revolution formed the owners imprisoned in shackles of communistic ideology, from these chains the owners had always wanted to get rid of (just because the production conditions were underdeveloped). Little by little, they did their best to get rid of them by using various theoretical and propagandistic catches. In 1991 being the private owners and capitalist socialists, they finally threw off the idealistic chains by declaring communistic ideology the greatest evil. Since that time idealess capitalistic socialism has been established nearly on the whole territory of USSR.

However, Keynes’s revolution created socialism, which has not been limited by the rigid ideology and solemnly promises of communism. That allowed sending bigger, than in USSR, funds to increase capital but the same time they kept the optimal level of production socialization.

Mercantile and idealess western socialism appeared to be more productive than soviet one. Eventually this ideological core became a hindrance to socialism itself and in the end it was removed from the industrial relations.

Anyway, socialism as the most productive type of capitalism was established almost in every country of the Earth to the 21st century, and socialization of capitalism became a usual method of oligarchy profit increasing and the way it rooted with no significant interference from the society.

Against the background of the worldwide victory of socialism todays fighters with capitalism in the name of socialism look ridiculous just because they fight with something does not exist in the name of something that has already been established in the world. They continue fighting with long buried liberal capitalism to establish socialism that is going to die very soon. They demand for governmentalization, however the state already owns everything. The activity of the fighters for socialism is no more than ridiculous buffoonery. As a rule these men are stupid , illiterate and fanatically ideological (this cannot stand with true socialism and true communism).

However, there is another type of socialists. These socialists are consciously fighting for the maintenance of socialism. They are oligarchy and their accomplices, who fully depend on them. These defenders of socialism have no ideas even if they promote such. In reality, they are guided not by the ideas, but by the strong wish to keep the system of social capitalism as a wonderful way to increase and to keep profits.


Until now there were no true communists ever existed and they even could not exist.

They could call “a communist” someone who followed Marx’s ideas, followers of science about communism, but they could not go beyond fantasies, misconceptions, deception and self-deception about self-being a communist, because there were simply no real conditions for this to be born. Anyone who called himself a communist and any unity that called itself communistic have been losing the communistic identity, destroying their own ideological impulses to communistic unity and crashing the state, just when the deal was about real organization of management. Any (even the most sincere) wish to be communist raised to unbelievably utopic ideology mottos and highly low efficiency, and then joint closer to the reality of socialistic social relations level and even liberal capitalistic and even feudalism system of management. The communist revolution had not been realized and it could not have been even happened. The fight between would-be communists and pragmatic socialists escalated immediately during the great October revolution. All ideological communists had been destroyed in this fight or became socialist.

The epoch of capitalistic socialism, the combination of private ownership for capital, the development plan and social public distribution — all these matters influenced the development of production basis, gave revolutionary change to science and technology, had built automatic industrial complexes, had created communication systems, systems of documentation and archiving , computers, computer webs and others. Socialistic production had reached such enormous scope and volume that owners understood that it was necessary to pass the highest scientific and technological achievements to the wide range of society just to keep the production level and the amount of gain. Personal cars, personal radio, personal computers had appeared. It became possible to have opportunity to get “personal ownership” of any piece of knowledge and skills. Such things like telephone connection, computer webs, means of communication, special knowledge and the time free from work which had only been a prerogative of state oligarchy and their closer circle- all these became available to broad range of workers.

Getting these achievements became a basis for growth of true communists who are still weak even now and almost invisible among the plenty of ideological pseudo communists. These new communists had no special Marx’s mottos and theories but immediately had started the fight with state capitalistic socialists who were stunned by the suddenness and incomprehension of the reasons of the fight that seemed had no explanation.

The rebellions of communists against grandmotherly socialistic governments were all over the world in 1968-1969 and had been suppressed brutally. Emerged in USSR in 70s the unities of the new communists, who suddenly realized the difference between communist party propaganda and real meaning of Marxism-Leninism and periodic perturbations of workers against socialists in the party had been suppressed fiercely. Chinese communistic rebellion in 1989 had been suppressed by socialistic government of the communist party of China. The renaissance of true communist ideology and the birth of appropriate production conditions had become dangerous for the socialists of the world.

Such combination became a threat to their capital and gain, their govern power and their safety. This was a real reason why communist idea, communist theory and practice had been destroyed by the socialists of the world using any means. USSR, which had been the greatest stronghold of communist ideas, was destroyed to 1991. The socialists of the world, including the socialists in soviet communist party sustained crushing and obviously the last victory. However, what did this victory represent? It absolutely did not mean the crashing of yet unborn true communists. It cleared the way to practical communism, cleared it from the unreal sonorous idealistic mottos, from vain appeals to superhuman communist morality. By this communist ideology crash, the socialists had given a way to communist practicality. By this victory they obviously had dig a grave for themselves.

Inspired by their social capitalistic pseudo victory and befuddled by the wish of profits , the Socialists started to free society from forced wage labor and supplied the society with communist weapon against themselves — web communications, which started to be not only Marx’s “railways” mentioned in the Manifest to Communist Party , but became thousand times more efficient in formation of communist unities. They started creating unities and gave them a new quality, web structure, gave speed and memory. These wide web communications spread to leader members of society and to the wider parts of society, they started transforming people into true communists including those who was principally against the communist ideas. Practical communism born by communications has been filed with useful actions, deals that limited the property rights of the different types of the private owners. Nowadays it grows stronger very fast.

These true communists abandoned idealistic communism with its idols, ideals , now they build fierce and massive confrontation with the state socialist oligarchy, with the remains of communist party, and other pseudo communist parties that had taken the state govern power. Now this fight is no longer hippy’s peaceful protest, no scattered unrest, no corporation gatherings and strikes. This fight is armored with society itself and it is ten times bigger than any state socialists. This fight has international communication, accumulated multinational hate to state oligarchy, it has information, knowledge, immediate access to historical experience, simple wish and opportunity to know the purpose aims of the budget wasting and the reasons of the big profits of socialist oligarchy. This weapon of the true communists cannot be taken away just as it cannot be deprived from the society that is learning communications. It means that a final battle between socialists and communists is imminent and it is getting closer. No doubts the true communists will take the victory.

Socialism is the final stronghold of capitalism , the last stronghold of the private property and oligarchy and it will be destroyed by the communists and the communist society that is newly born and is getting stronger.


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