Balkans Left Shelf

Revolucija u Rožavi

Nikita Demin18/03/24 09:39843
Hello, my name is Nikita Demin, and I am a multidisciplinary artist from Siberia. Until I emigrated in October 2022, my collection of mini-magazines, DIY publications, and the like included over a hundred different editions from the USA, EU, and CIS. Punk rock culture and anarchist initiatives are typically very free in their approach to layout and presentation of information. Things are impermanent, and having recently found myself in the grassroots space AKAB OBRTNICA in Belgrade, I felt the desire to start collecting zines again: anarchist, leftist, rare, and remarkable ones. Keep an eye out for my collection on Balkans Left Shelf.
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Social center “AKAB Okretnica” is a collective space for socializing, organizing, playing, discussions, workshops and all that involves solidarity self-organization.We want our space to be a point in a network of solidarity and mutual aid in a common struggle against an oppressive and exploitative system. The space is way to realize a goal, not an end in it self.

Our space is anti-nationalist and antifascist. These ideologies as well as their propagators are not welcome and will not be tolerated. Adequate measures will be used for their removal. We are against sexism, racism and homophobia, and realize that in confronting these issues it is necessary to start from our selves.

Autonomy is an important aspect of our space. By that we mean that our space is not a commercial one, we maintain to rely on our own resources, as well as on solidarity from comrades. We do not rely on the help of the state/capital and their funds and institutions. That also means that we resolve conflicts our selves, without external authorities.
The assembly is making all of the decisions of importance for the whole of the space. The assembly is made out of individuals who participate in the common space. The participation in the assembly is on an individual basis, but participants who are a part of some collective can state the opinions of their collectives. Everyone is responsible to be an active part of the assembly.

Regular meetings of the assembly are held every week. The assembly is open, but it is not public. The decisions are made by consensus. The prerequisite for using the space is the participation in the assembly. All participants can use the space in the way they wish, in accordance to principals and house rules. The assembly decides if new individuals can join it, and if new individuals or groups can organize their activities in the space, and if their ideas are adequate for the the space. New people should make them selves informed about the principals and agree with them.
These principals are not set in stone and they can be discussed, especially if practice indicates to us that there is a need for that.



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Since 2014, researchers, artists, collectives, and cultural institutions have been publishing their work here
