Flowers and sentences
Welcome to the cemetery for bad behaviour, where we take care of all the nasty things that humans have done to other humans.
For over centuries, humans have shown atrocious behaviour towards other humans. Over millions of memories of beastly behaviour have died in silence, with the ones that remain in public becoming the burden of their survivors.
We at the Cemetery of Bad Behaviour (CBB) would like to change this miserable state of affairs by offering you an opportunity to make known the many human atrocities dwelling amongst us, and to let the rest of humanity know that certain behaviour is totally unacceptable!
How to participate?
Submit a memory of bad behavior, and watch it transform into a monument that will form a part of the Cemetery of Bad Behaviour (CBB). Use the hashtag #flowersandsentences and post your story in Facebook.
All monuments created will be historicized and kept at the CBB worldwide archives, which will be made accessible online. The physical monuments created will be destroyed and buried.
Who can participate?
Everyone who has experienced or knows of bad human behaviour.
What can I submit?
Any human-caused bad experience that you know of, whether personal or historical, big or small, whether belonging to you, your country, your race, your gender, your religion, just you, or someone else. The list of horrendous behaviour by humans is endless, and will be made visible through the growth of the CBB.
For a small fee, you you can opt to have a postcard-size picture of the monument associated with your submission sent to you.
The Cemetery for Bad Behaviour can be viewed live at the Central Pavilion of the VDNKh during the 2015 Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art on 24th September, between 14h00 and 19h30.
DISCLAIMER: The CBB takes the liberty to transform false accusations into lost memories.