
Captain, there's a joke on course

turquoise ether magazine21/12/23 11:01281

Writer, comedian, yachtsman — Alexander Babitsky does not shy away from anything in this life, and especially from doing what he wants to do


«Far from a complete yachtsman’s dictionary» — that’s the title of Alexander’s book, and it’s probably the most honest book title in the world — it really is a dictionary, and it really isn’t complete. But it is a dictionary that captures you completely with sea tales. 

As the author himself says, «Every year amateur yachtsmen get into the same situations and every year, choking with laughter, tell the same stories. Why is it that all yachting books are so serious and not a word about these stories? Strange (see Strange).»

At the same time the dictionary of yachting terms is also present in the book. It’s just that this dictionary is without a serious expression on its face. And with it, as we know, all foolish things are done!

Alexander’s other book, «Thank You All», published under the pseudonym Alex Goy, caused a much greater resonance. Self-published, it gained more than a million online readers: the book tells the story of porn in Russia since 2000 to the present day (2010). How pornography is made and what the porn industry lives now, using the example of actors and directors, frankly and unvarnished. 

Alexander Babitsky himself says — and in the publishing house hangs just such a biography — that once he went on a round-the-world trip, but having travelled the Mediterranean and Caribbean seas, and at the same time the Atlantic Ocean, he decided that he had enough. It is not an easy business — to drive cruises and circumnavigate the world! However, the man in front of us is not easy either. Organiser and ideologist of the biggest and smallest Russian-language regattas in the world — Another Fucking Race and Seanation Cup respectively. He is the author of many winged expressions and two books so far.And now he’s also co-creating a comedy show about a man’s perspective on sex.


Shows about sex are plentiful nowadays: the times when you had to search for information in bits and pieces are long gone. People of different identities are talking about themselves, giving first-person accounts, discussing the complexities. And shows from heterosexual men about sex — you’d think they’d have found something to surprise you! What else don’t we know about men’s views on intimacy? But it turns out there is something to be surprised about. Forty-year-old men, not at all queer and far from a new reading of sexuality, question very simple things in simple language, and toxic masculinity for starters. Sex and complexes, sex and resentment, sex and male virginity — it turns out that it is possible to talk about complexes, it is possible not to take the position of an expert but to open up as it is, it is possible to analyse ourselves and not be afraid to laugh at ourselves. And this just gives the viewer the opportunity to relax and then to think: what am I afraid of in sex? What am I still ashamed of? What if I try to change it?

Author: Victoria Dini


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