Polina Welscher

Polina Welscher

Плюс один
NotesShort, free-form texts on various topics submitted by our contributors
Ф-письмоФ-письмо — это платформа, на которой публикуются тексты, задействующие, проблематизирующие или анализирующие квир- и феминистскую логику письма. Возникшая на базе семинаров Ф-письмо в Санкт-Петербурге, но уже не привязанная к конкретному городу и формату, платформа работает в открытом онлайн-режиме.
Self-OrganizationAn editorial project about self-organized communities and grassroots initiatives in the sphere of politics, economics, and culture
Technology and ScienceThe opportunities and threats of the times in which we live
Architecture and CitiesExamining how our surrounding spaces work and impact us
Theater and DancePerforming arts and the movement of bodies on stage and beyond
Society and PoliticsHow are our relations organized, who rules us, and what happens next
Philosophy and HumanitiesIn-depth reflections on fundamental problems
Psychology and PsychoanalysisDesire, speech, and everything in-between
ArtReflections on the creative process, its tasks and ambiguities
BooksExcerpts and fragments from significant works contributed by publishers and writers
PoetryAll the abundance and complexity of language